Native merchants pay their taxes in Coyoacan, Mexico, ca. 1570

English Translation
Here is the account of what the market stewards pay as tax.
The [contributions] begin it. Among the different [contributions] appear 5 tomines.

The color sellers give 4 tomines.

The carpenters of Totoltepec give 2 tomines.

The rabbit-hair sellers give 3 tomines.

The Tetzcolca wood sellers give 3 tomines.

The Atliztaca spindle makers give 1 tomín.

The Atliztaca sandal makers give 1 tomín.

The Apçolco maguey-fiber-shirt makers give 2 tomines.

The lime sellers who live in Nexpilco give 2 tomines.

The Apçolco tobacco sellers give 1 tomín.

The Coyoacan boat people give 2 tomines.

The Mexica boat people give 2 tomines.

The Apçolco chile sellers give 1 tomín.

The Apçolco pine-torch splitters give 2 tomines.

The Apçolco fish dealers give 1 tomín.

The Apçolco candlemakers give 5 tomines.

The Nexpilco basket makers give 2 tomines.

The Nexpilco spindle makers give 1 tomín.

The Nexpilco smoking-tube makers give 1 tomín.

The Nexpilco wood dealers give 2 tomines.

The Izquiteca salt dealers give 2 tomines.

The Izquiteca obsidian-blade makers give 1 tomín.

The clay-bell makers give 1 tomín.

The Aticpac wood dealers give 1 tomín.

The warping-frame makers who live in Aticpac give 1 tomín.

The Aticpac cane makers give 2 tomines.

The Aticpac metal workers give 2 tomines.

The Aticpac merchants give 1/2 tomín.

The Atoyac clay-dye sellers give 1 tomín.

The Atoyac bark-clay-concoction sellers give 2 tomines.

The Atoyac chimalatl cacao sellers give 3 tomines…

[This is the money] given to señor don Juan every 30 [days] as the market tax.


Nahuatl Original
Nican pouhtoc yn tiaquizhuaque yc tequiti.
Conpeualtia tlayeualli yn nepapa tlayeualli yc necin macuylli domi

Chiquipantlaca nahui domi quimana.

Tlaxinqui totoltepec quimana domin ome.

Tochomipa quimana yei domi.

Cuauhnecuilohque tetzolca quimana ome domi.

Malacachiuhqui atliztacan quimana domi ce.

Atliztacan cactozoc quimana ce domi.

Abzolco ichcamixachiuhqui quimana ce domi.

Tenexnamacac nexpilco ichan quimana ome domi.

Abzolco picienamacac quimana ce domi.

Acalpantlaca coyoaque quimana ome domi.

Acalpantlaca mexihcapan quimana ome domi.

Abzolco chilnamacac quimana ce domi.

Abzolco ocotlapanqui quimana ome domi.

Abzolco michnecuilo quimana ce domi.

Abzolco cantelachiuhque quimana macuilli domi.

Nexpilco chiquiuchiuhquen quimana ome dome

Nexpilco malachachiuhqui quimana ce domi

Nexpilco acacuauhchiuhque quimana ce domi.

Nexpilco cuauhnecuilohque quimana ome domi.

Izquiteca iztatlamana quimana ome domi.

Izquitecan itzhuepeuhque quimana ce domi.

Cacalachiuhque quimana ce domi.

Aticpac cuauhnecuilohqueh quimana ce domi.

Aticapaccalque quimana ce domi tzatzachiuhque.

Aticpac otlachiuhque quimana ome domi.

Aticpac tepozpitzque quimana ome domi.

Aticpac uztomeca quimana medio.

Atoyac palnamacac quimana ce domi.

Atoyac cuauhtepotznamacac quimana ome domi.

Atoyac chimalatl cacahuanamacaque quimana yei domi...

In quimomaquilihtihui señor don Juan in cempohualtica ommahtlactica in tianquiztequit.


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