La Malinche is reunited with her family, 1523

English Translation
And when Cortés arrived in the town of Guacacualco, he summoned all the caciques of the province to discuss with them the holy Catholic doctrine and their good treatment at his hands, and among the caciques was the mother of doña Marina and her half-brother, Lázaro... They were in great fear of doña Marina, for they thought that she had summoned them to have them killed, and they were weeping. When doña Marina saw them crying, she consoled them and told them not to be afraid, for when they gave her over to the men from Xicalango, they knew not what they were doing, and she forgave them. She gave them much jewelry of gold and clothing, and told them to return to their town. She said that God had shown her His great mercy in saving her from the worship of idols and making her a Christian, and letting her bear a son to her lord and master Cortés and in marrying her to such a gentleman as Juan Jaramillo, who was her husband. She said that instead of being made Cacica of all the provinces in New Spain, she would rather serve her husband and Cortés than anything else in the world. She said all this, and I heard it, and swear to it.    

Spanish Original
Y estando Cortés en la villa de Guacacualco, envió a llamar a todos los caciques de aquella provincia para hacerles un parlamento acerca de la santa doctrina y sobre su buen tratamiento, y entonces vino la madre de doña Marina y su hermano de madre Lázaro, con otros caciques...Tuvieron miedo d'ella, que creyeron que los enviaba á llamar para matarlos, y lloraban; y así los vido llorar la doña Marina, los consoló, y dijo que no hubiese miedo, que cuando la trapusieron con los de Xicalango que no supieron lo que se hacían, se lo perdonaba, y les dió muchas joyas de oro y de ropa y que se volviesen á su pueblo, y que Dios le había hecho mucha merced en quitarla de adorar ídolos agora y ser cristiana, y tener un hijo de su amo y señor Cortés, y ser casada con un caballero como era su marido Juan Jaramillo; que aunque la hiciesen cacica de todas cuantas provincias había en la Nueva España, no lo sería; que en más tenía servir á su marido é á Cortés que cuanto en el mundo hay; y todo esto que digo se lo oí muy certificadamente, y se lo juró amén....    

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