Account of the inspection that the Illustrious and most Reverend Father Payo de Ribera, Archbishop of Mexico, of council to his majesty, made in the Holy Convent of San Jerónimo. Regulations of January 7th, 1673. First. All the nuns of the convent, be they professed nuns or novitiates [a woman in the convent who has not taken her final vows], were prohibited from putting colored ribbons, brooches and pendants, or any other thing on their habits and robes other than their rosary. They must take special care that the escudos which they must wear do not supercede in value or rarity that of the poor saint to which they profess. Their habits must not be open. They must be of two pieces, one of them [probably the scapular] of coarse wool, and the other a loose coat with sleeves. Second. It was ordered that the nuns not put scallops or point lace on the headbands (fillets) they wear on their heads on the pretense of sickness, nor on the sleeves of their robes, nor should they apply cut-work or embroidery the sleeves of their coats with silk or colored or black thread. Nor should they wear ties of black or colored ribbon on their cuffs, only white buttons. Third. The nuns should not wear as undergarments pleated skirts, petticoats, under petticoats that are either gravel-colored or another worldly color, nor decorations of silver thread, nor decorative sides of any color on their shoes. |
Autos de la visita que el Illmo. Y reverendo arzobispo Fray Payo de Ribera, arzobispo de este arzobispado de México del consejo de su majestad hizo en el sagrado convento de San Jerónimo. Las reglas de 7 de enero, 1673: 1. Todas las religiosas del convento, profesas y novicias, tenían prohibido poner sobre sus hábitos y vestiduras cintas de colores, agujetas, dijes [broches], ni otra cosa que no sea su hábito y rosario, cuidando de que en los escudos que se deben poner, no sobresalga el precio y curiosidad de la pobreza santa que profesan. Los hábitos no pueden dividirse. Deben ser dos piezas, una de sayal [falda] y la otra jubón [chaleco] y mangas unidas. 2. Se ordenó que no trajeran puntas en las vendas que usan en las cabezas con pretextos de enfermas, ni en las mangas de las camisas, ni acuchillen ni borden las mangas de los jubones con seda ni hilos de colores, ni de negro, ni usen de agujetas estas cintas negras ni de color en las bocamangas[puños] ni otras cosas que botones blancos. 3. Que no usen en su vestido interior sayas, faldellines, naguas [los tres se refieren a ropa interior femenina] de grava ni de otro color profano, ni de guarniciciones de hilo de plata ni listones de ningún color en los chapines. |